KidCadCrowns® 2.0

The preparation of KidCadCrowns® 2.0

The crowns can be polished and changed in shape employing hard rubber or a cross-cut mortising mill with low rotations per minute (10-15 thousand rpm), both prior to and after implantation. With the aid of bonding, the crowns can be created within the mouth, utilizing any common veneering material.

The KidCadCrowns® 2.0 can be customized, fitting the preparation


The KidCadCrowns® 2.0 can be customized, fitting the preparation, by employing hard rubber or a cross-cut mortising mill prior to implantation.

The crowns' edges can also be adjusted after the composite has set

The crowns' edges can also be adjusted after the cement has set, even if the walls' minimum thickness has fallen short of 0,4mm (according to the individual cementation process).

The KidCadCrowns® 2.0 can be created utilizing common veneering resin. The use of adequate bonding can triple the stability between dental crown and cement (current studies are being undertaken).