KidCadCrowns® 2.0

Insertion KidCadCrowns® 2.0

The KidCadCrowns® 2.0 have to be implanted as tension-free and in a loose fit. We recommend a dual-curing composite for implantation (e.g. PermaCem 2.0, DMG).

The crown wall should be pretreated with bonding to optimize the stability of the crown. It is not necessarily needed to slightly etch the tooth stump.

Implanting KidCadCrowns® 2.0
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Help for the Insertion of the Pediatric crowns -
Better fitting of crowns with flow komposite

Help for the Insertion of the Pediatric crowns - Better fitting of crowns with flow komposite Step 1 and 2
Admistering the Flow Material into the crown. Covering the material with foil
Help for the Insertion of the Pediatric crowns - Better fitting of crowns with flow komposite Step 3 and 4
Insertion of the Crown on die with foil between.
If there are undercuts block them out.
Precuring of the inserted Crown in mouth.
Help for the Insertion of the Pediatric crowns - Better fitting of crowns with flow komposite Step 5 and 6
Remove the overidge with a dental drill. Final hardening of the flow Material.
Help for the Insertion of the Pediatric crowns - Better fitting of crowns with flow komposite Step 7

Perfect fit of crown to die!

Following you can insert the cement into
the crown and fix it on die.

Afterwards you can grind the crown margin
up to the Preparation of the die.